K.D. Mease, U. Topcu, and E. Aykutlug, Characterizing Two-Timescale
Nonlinear Dynamics Using Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents and Vectors,
arXiv:0807.0239 [math.DS], 2008.
E.Aykutlug and K. D. Mease, Approximate Solution of Hypersensitive
Optimal Control Problems Using Finite-Time Lyapunov Analysis, American
Control Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, June 2009.
Mease, K.D. and Topcu, U., “Two-Timescale Nonlinear Dynamics
and Slow Manifold Determination”, AIAA GNC-Conference, San
Francisco, Aug. 2005
Mease, K.D., “Multiple Time-Scales in Nonlinear Flight Mechanics:
Diagnosis and Modeling", Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Vol. 164, No. 2, pp. 627—648, 2005
K. D. Mease, S. Bharadwaj, and S. Iravanchy, "Timescale
Analysis for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems", J. of Guidance,
Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 26, No. 2, March–April 2003,
pp. 318-330
K. D. Mease, S. Iravanchy, S. Bharadwaj, M. Fedi, "Time Scale Analysis
for Nonlinear Systems," Paper 2000-4591, AIAA GNC-Conference,
Denver, Aug. 2000
A. V. Rao, "Application of
a Dichotomic Basis Method to Performance Optimization of Supersonic
Aircraft," J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol.
23, No. 3, pp. 570-573, 2000 A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "Eigenvector Approximate Dichotomy
Basis Method for Solving Hyper-Sensitive Optimal Control Problems,"
Optimal Control: Applications and Methods, Vol. 21, pp. 1-19,
S. Bharadwaj and K. D. Mease, "Geometric Structure of Multiple
Time-Scale Nonlinear Systems," Proceedings of the 14th World
Congress of IFAC, Beijing, China, Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Sci.,
Vol. 5, pp. 527-532, 1999
S. Bharadwaj and K. D. Mease, "A New Invariance Property of
Lyapunov Characteristic Directions,"Proceedings of the American
Control Conference, Vol. 6, pp. 3800-3804, San Diego, June 1999
A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "Dichotomic Basis Approach
to Solving Hyper-Sensitive Optimal Control Problems," Automatica,
Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 633-642, 1999
S. Bharadwaj, "Geometric Structure of Multiple Time Scale Nonlinear
Dynamical system," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California,
Irvine, Aug. 1999
S. Bharadwaj, M. Wu, and K. D. Mease, "Identifying
Time-Scale Structure for Simplified Guidance Law Development,"
AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, New Orleans,
Aug. 1997
A. V. Rao, "Extension of the Computational Singular Perturbation
Method to Optimal Control," Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University,
June 1996
K. D. Mease, "Geometry of
Computational Singular Perturbations", IFAC Symposium on
Nonlinear Control Design, Tahoe, June 1995 A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "A
New Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems", Paper
95-3262, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conf. , Baltimore,
Aug. 1995
A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "Minimum
Time to Climb Trajectories Using a Modified Sweep Method",
Paper 95-3263, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conf., Baltimore,
Aug. 1995
K. D. Mease, "An Approach
to Solving Two Time-Scale Trajectory Optimization Problems",
IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Haifa, Israel,
Dec. 1995
K. D. Mease, "An Approach to Solving Two Time-Scale Trajectory
Optimization Problems," IFAC Workshop on Control Applications
of Optimization, Haifa, Israel, Dec. 1995
A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "Minimum Time to Climb Trajectories
Using a Modified Sweep Method," Paper 95-3263, AIAA Guidance,
Navigation, and Control Conf., Baltimore, Aug. 1995
A. V. Rao and K. D. Mease, "A New Method for Solving Optimal Control
Problems," Paper 95-3262, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control
Conf. , Baltimore, Aug. 1995 K. D. Mease, "Geometry of Computational Singular Perturbations,"
IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Design, Tahoe, June 1995 |