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University of California,
Professor Kenneth D. Mease
Kenneth D.
Mease serves as Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
at the University of California, Irvine. He received his
B.S. from the University of Michigan and his M.S. and Ph.D.
from the University of Southern California. He began his
career at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Member of the
Technical Staff of the Navigation Systems Section. He then
served as Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering at Princeton University, before joining the
faculty of UC Irvine. His research has contributed to the
guidance, navigation and control of aircraft and spacecraft,
time-scale analysis for nonlinear dynamical systems, and
molecular control, and has been sponsored by NASA, the Jet
Propulsion Lab, NSF, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Rockwell
International Corporation, and Boeing. He has also consulted
and had contracts with Universal Space Lines, Optimal Synthesis,
Guided Systems Technologies, and Continuum Dynamics. He
is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications and has previously served as Associate
Editor for the AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
and the AAS Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. He is
an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and a Member of SIAM and
the SAE Control and Guidance Systems Committee.
175 |
and Control of Aerospace Vehicles
Equations of motion, linearization, stability derivatives,
and longitudinal and lateral modes of motion. Handling qualities,
sensors and actuators, and effects of various feedbacks on
stability and performance. Command and stability augmentation
system design. |
200A |
Engineering Analysis
Linear algebra, including vector spaces, matrices, linear
system of equations, and the eigenvalue problem. Scalar and
vector field theory. Calculus of variations and optimization.
Notions of stability for linear and nonlinear differential
equations. |
241 |
Kinematics and dynamics of three-dimensional motions. Lagrange's
equations, Newton-Euler equations. Applications include robot
systems and spinning satellites. |
274 |
Introduction to the principles and methods of optimal control.
Topics include: objectives and issues in controlling nonlinear
systems; linear variational and adjoint equations; optimality
conditions via variational calculus, maximum principle, and
dynamic programming; solution methods; applications to control
of robots and aerospace vehicles. |
276 |
Nonlinear Control
Introduction to application of differential geometry
in analysis and design of nonlinear control systems. Topics
include stable, center, and unstable manifolds of an equilibrium
state, nonlinear systems theory, and feedback linearization. |
Flight Dynamics and Control
University Of California, Irvine To contact Professor
Mease: |