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Web last revised:
January 30, 2009
University of California, Irvine
Current Research Projects
Entry Guidance
We are developing entry guidance for Crew Exploration
Vehicles (CEVs) and other future space vehicles that must be accurately
and safely guided through the atmosphere*.
Mars Precision
Future missions to Mars will require precise
landing capability. We are working in collaboration with engineers
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop guidance technology
to enable precision landing.
Time Scale Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
The project objective is to develop a methodology
for the analysis and design of nonlinear dynamical systems that
have an underlying multiple time-scale structure. Finite-time
Lyapunov exponents and vectors provide the timescale information,
and are used to determine the manifold structure of the flow in
the state space.
Earth-Moon Cyclers
Placing spacecraft in appropriate periodic orbits
in the Earth-Moon system can provide infrastructure for cargo
transportation, navigation and communications. We are computing,
classifying and assessing periodic orbits in the restricted 3-body
problem for this purpose.
* Picture obtained from